Moments & Musings | Chapter 2: Overcoming Analysis Paralysis

I’m currently in my ‘just go and do whatever it is’ era.

No more over planning. No more overthinking.
As they always lead me to analysis paralysis.

When I realized that success isn’t about perfection, but taking action, I became confident that if ever I fail or make mistakes, I can always always always start all over again.

Having too many options before paralyzed me from making decisions. I was overwhelmed with things that were all bright and shiny. What if I didn’t pick the best solution? What if I need more time to analyze each possibility?

Anyway, that’s the old me and she no longer exists, ’cause now, I just put in the work to build and keep my momentum, whether I’m really ready or not. Honestly, I’m not sure what’s next, but I’m keeping my faith while I move every single day.

I realized that I’m not just about the work that I do and the stuff that I bring to the table. Living is more than that. I’m hopeful to make the remaining months of 2023 the most fruitful and productive yet.

I believe that what’s meant for me will never pass me by. If I encounter rejections, they’re just redirections. Proven and tested, things will always work out for me, for my highest good. ✨

So dream lifestyle, wait for me as I make it through.

That’s it for now. 🍃 Thanks for reading! ✨

Let’s connect:

IG: mjmonteagudo

IG: TheGirlyKidTravels




Moments & Musings | Chapter 1: Freest of my entirety 🍃✨️

July 17, 2023 | 01:06 AM (when I wrote it on my planner)

In all honesty, I am at that point of my life where I feel scared yet brave, both at the same time.

Scared because I am currently taking a (calculated?) risk.

Brave because I jumped and did it anyways…even if I am afraid (and experiencing imposter syndrome every now and then).

Right now is by far the moment where I felt the freest of my entirety.

Simply because, I let myself be.

I thought it was the society, the norms, or the unpreparedness that hindered me to take the path that I have always wanted.

Until I realized that is was only ME who kept my beliefs limited, thinking that it is impossible to do the unconventional and try to be that woman I always aspire of becoming.

Well, I am yet very far from my ideal her, but one thing that kept me going is that I realized it’s okay if I haven’t figure it all out…because apparently we all do. So, it’s normal to feel uncomfortable while getting my life together.

Now, I feel that I am like a liquid, free of its form. I can be who I wanted to be. I can start anew, even if it is way different from what I have started before. I feel that I can achieve things I then thought are impossible.

It’s been a long time since I last shared my thoughts here. Hmmm…how are you right now? Would be happy to read them in the comments! 🌿

That’s it for now. 🍃 Thanks for reading!

Let’s connect:

IG: mjmonteagudo

IG: TheGirlyKidTravels




Work hard, Play hard.

I wonder how we really measure hard work. When to know that enough is enough or that a little should be given more or given up?

I am a paradox for being such a lazy doer. A doer, but lazy. Hahaha. I feel more worthy when I get to do a lot of work, but at the same time, feels relieve lurking on the internet while lying on my bed for a whole day.

A workaholic, but a sleep addict.

Continue reading “Work hard, Play hard.”

Caught in-between

Yes or no? Hot or cold? True of False? We all have the teeny-weeny challenges in decision making.

Conscious or not, we constantly make our own choices everyday. Even this paragraph has started by letting you choose based on your self assessment.

We girls have moods we can’t explain and even understand. Here, I felt like I don’t want to dress up, but I don’t also want to dress down. Bottom line: I was caught in-between laid-back and dapper look. I chose to wear my comfy plaid button-down shirt along with my high-waisted denim shorts and ballet flats.

Continue reading “Caught in-between”

Red for Real

Red is one of the three primary colors together with yellow and blue. Without these three, things and also our lives will surely look bland. Among them, Red is the color that I like the least, but not until when its value started to be sentimental to me. My life has changed because of red, to which it does continuously even as of today.

Okay, I’ll try to stop my metaphors. Hahaha.


I see red as a strong color. I visualize myself brave and a grown-up whenever I let this hue dominate my whole attire or even at least just  be the vibe. It feels like I’m confident and mature enough for womanhood and adult stuff. I find red shade lipsticks as a self-esteem booster. However, I’m not using it on a daily basis as I don’t want it to be my mundane look. I still want to feel something new and exciting each time I’ll try it.

Red is the color of LOVE and on the other hand, the same color known universally for STOP in terms of road signs. So which is which? It’s your choice which you will prefer. For me, I’ll just perceive it as the color signifying burning passion, being lionhearted and defined undaunted. I’ll just find out soon if what I’ll let prevail, if it’s love or stop. Anyway, I’m too young and I need not rush. Red is for happiness!