Soft yet Strong: Can you be both?

“Being both soft and strong is a combination very few have mastered.” – Yasmin Mogahed

Are you one of the few?


Many genuine spirits have turned down into something less desirable just to fit in with the society. Nowadays, kindness is being perceived as weakness especially to those who don’t know how to play.

The concept of toughness that most of us are accustomed to is more about the conspicuous aspects like a person’s stance and capacity to suppress heavy emotions with the belief that crying is for the weak.

Pain changes people, really. However, that change will not depend on the pain, but on the people. It will be up to us. It will be under our control.

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21 things every 21-year-old individual should know

Twenty one: Too old to be a kid, yet too young to be an adult.

Whenever I get new understanding from experiences, observations, and other people’s stories–no matter where I am or what I do–I make sure to take note of it. Basically, it took me a few months to accomplish this list, as I want to complete it the way it is and in accordance with my life’s pace.  I want it to cover the changes that happened to my perspectives and views when I became a 21-year-old individual.


I don’t force anyone to agree with me, but I believe you can still learn a thing or two by reading the following. 😉

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This realization changed my life

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. – Matthew 6:33″

I could say that 2017 has been a learning era. Everything that I’ve encountered–may it be the best or the worst–taught me something.

Last year was full of inconstant and unpredictable happenings that served as a roller-coaster ride for me. Nonetheless, I acknowledge that it’s the same reason why I realized a lot of life’s main takeaway.

From all those lessons, one has been indispensable that it changed my whole perspective and influenced the way I deal with my daily life.

The thought just hit me one day. And I will be forever grateful to God that He let it came into my existence.

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Euphoric in Noir

When in doubt, wear black.

We were instructed to wear a festive color for our 32nd Anniversary event, yet I sported an all black ensemble, because why not? Hahaha! And to tell you, I’m not the only one. Some attendees also found themselves pleased and confident in flaunting their black classy outfits.


Is black even a color? Physics would say no while arts would may give you a yes. Hence, it would require another blog post or an in-depth research for me to discuss which is which. For now here are the 3 reasons why it is often opt by some over the spectrum of colors:


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Something about August

I don’t know. I really don’t know.

Remembering it’s now August makes me so pensive and at some point, hopeful. I’m really confused, but I’m in no rush. Maybe I’m just really maturing that’s why I reflect even on the simple things.

Something bothers me. Something I know is my solace at the same time. Something more, something new, something true. Something about August.

I  travel far from home to work and vice versa which gives me more time of musing about life and every little detail of it.

Maybe. Just maybe, some good things are only meant to be experienced and dreamt about. But I’ll just let it be, to let myself grow. Sooner or later, I know I’ll have what’s store in stash for me. Maybe I just have to stay strong and positive because that’s the only resort.

The only thing I must always be sure of is that God loves his people so much and that I should never worry about anything for He’s omniscient and omnipotent.

Someday, I’m sure, I’ll find the answers on  that something about August.
